Our Accountability Process
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STEP 1: Define Your Desired Results and Measures
Defining clear, measurable results and expectations is imperative to support, recognition, and celebration of progress and results.
Reflection: How clear are you on why your results matter and how achievable they are?
STEP 2: Discover Possibilities
The seven elements of our RESULTS Model provide a proven framework and common language to host vital conversations, increase accountability and team performance and achieve desired results.
Reflection: What question(s) do you need to ask to gain clarity and to support collaboration and results? What facts are you missing?
STEP 3: Plan the Conversation
Who do you need to build relationship(s) with to have a successful conversation? What do you need to discuss and are you clear about your own expectations?
Reflection: Are you confident you will achieve the desired results? How will you mitigate risk?
STEP 4: Host the Conversation
Host the vital conversation. Explore opportunities and issues in a safe and productive manner. Be curious. Question for understanding.
Reflection: Have you held yourself accountable to your intentions and desired results? Are the expectations, measures and next steps mutually understood?
STEP 5: Sustain Results
Reflect on your desired results; did you achieve them? What have you/your team member/your team learned? How will you celebrate?
Reflection: What results are you celebrating? How? What are your next steps?