Summer is our favourite season! And this year it is bursting with love, full of weddings, camping, gardening, and patio visits with family/friends.
For all of us, vacations provide an opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate so we can return to our roles with a fresh perspective and renewed energy. This year this feels particularly imperative as it helps overcome the fatigue we are seeing in our work world today. A break from everyday pressures helps prevent burnout and enhances our decision-making ability. It allows all team members to return with increased creativity, motivation, and focus, which in turn boosts clarity, collaboration, and results.
Ultimately, by prioritizing and encouraging time off, leaders create a healthier and more sustainable work environment, leading to higher job satisfaction and overall team success. We believe holidays are non-negotiable…you must take that time to recharge, rejuvenate and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones. What are you modeling for your team?
Breaking News!
Join Marguerite and Linda at the Western Cities HR Conference right here in Edmonton at the Fantasyland Hotel. We are excited to be co-facilitating two sessions:
October 4th
Establishing Boundaries for HR Professionals: Get them to do their own work!
October 5th
The Art of Accountability: Tips and tricks to take the sting out of holding others accountable.
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We will be announcing public program dates, new programming, and more change in September of this year, so be sure to look for our Fall newsletter… more to come!
Upcoming Programs
If you’re planning professional development for your teams, you can choose from the two sessions above or one of these options may be the perfect answer:
- Striving to enhance the performance management conversations your leaders are having? Our Managing Performance with Confidence makes performance conversations simple and effective. Designed to increase individual and team engagement, we will give your team the language and tools to be successful.
- What others have experienced: “This program gave us a common language, replicated real situations in our industry, and wrapped up with a reference guide to support our team leaders. Practical and relevant.”
- Missing commitments or struggling with competing challenges, etc…? Our ‘Saying No with Grace’ Program will support your team to meet those commitments, overcome fatigue or burnout, and feel in control of their time. As with all our programming, your team will leave with a model and common language to support success.
- What others have experienced: “Engaging, a safe place to have vulnerable conversations, practical, logical, easy to apply, and supports productivity”
- Is your team challenged to live mutually agreed-upon values? If you are experiencing a lack of alignment, tension among teams, increased absences, or high turnover ask about our ‘Define Your Values’ Program. Designed to give your team clarity and mutual understanding of how to live your values with explicit points of reference to course correct as needed.
- What others have experienced: “Very impressed with the positive difference this has made for our team”, “this is the leadership development step that has had the biggest payoff”.
- Calling all leaders who are readers or listeners (audiobooks)! The Readers of the Pack will formally launch in September. This is a unique solution for leaders who are readers and hungry to grow through conversation with peers from different industries (public program), or for an on-site so your internal team can practice expressing differing opinions in a safe setting. Give Linda a call at 780.668.9481 or email linda@accountabilitybydesign to receive future updates on this program.

How can we help your team?
- Team or Individual Coaching: If you, and/or your team, are struggling to achieve results, fatigued or working in silos, our Team Coach approach can support a safe environment to engage in guided conversations to accelerate growth and/or bust through barriers and achieve results. The conversations can be rich as team members share their perspectives (even when they are diverse ideas and opinions), explore alternatives to what matters most to you, consider the risks, and commit to the next steps.
- Half & Full Day Professional Development Programs: Looking to fuel growth for your team this Fall., experience guaranteed results as they experience a coach approach to learning. Using our proven RESULTS Model, you can address real issues in real time and achieve your desired results.
- Readers of the Pack Book Club: Looking for a unique professional development option for leaders who love learning and/or are hesitant to express their opinions? We can support building trust and relationships on your team with our Book Club option, guaranteed to encourage different perspectives and ignite learning in a very practical way.

‘You’ve got to nourish to flourish.’
We are looking forward to your call after your summer break. Rest, relax and reflect. We’re here to support you and your team as you step into even more challenges and success this Fall.